The test standard summaries are for general guidance only. Though believed to be accurate at the time of writing, this may change over time. So this information should not be used as a substitute for referring to a complete test standard, at an appropriate revision level.
Note: the terms salt spray, salt mist and salt fog are all in wide spread use within corrosion test standards. In this context they can be considered to be equivalent and interchangeable terms.
DIN 50 014
Standard Climates
This standard specifies 3 standard climates for ambient air in terms of temperature, relative humidity, dewpoint temperature, pressure and air speed. These 3 climates are referred to by their temperature and relative humidity only, using the following abbreviations:
23/50 = +23C & 50%RH
20/65 = +20C & 65%RH
27/65 = +27C & 65%RH
In addition, each of these climates can have 1 of 3 different tolerances for the maximum deviation of temperature and humidity, using the following class numbers:
0.5 = +/-0.5C & +/-1.5%RH
1 = +/-1.0C & +/-3.0%RH
2 = +/-2.0C & +/-6.0%RH
The above abbreviations and class numbers appear after the main standard number as a suffix. So, for example, the full DIN reference for a standard climate of +23C +/- 1.0C & 50%RH +/-3.0%RH is DIN 50 014-23/50-1.
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