Corrosion Testing Standards

The test standard summaries are for general guidance only. Though believed to be accurate at the time of writing, this may change over time. So this information should not be used as a substitute for referring to a complete test standard, at an appropriate revision level.

Note: the terms salt spray, salt mist and salt fog are all in wide spread use within corrosion test standards. In this context they can be considered to be equivalent and interchangeable terms.

大众 PV 1210

PV 1210 气候腐蚀试验循环 (大众/奥迪)

该标准规定了确定汽车车身,组件和部件耐腐蚀性的测试方法。 它本质上是循环的,即;测试样品会随时间推移而暴露在不断变化的气候中。


这个24小时的周期重复5天(名义上是周一至周五)。 然后根据DIN 50 014-23/50-2暴露于环境气候48小时(通常为周末),然后在整个循环重复之前。

有关 DIN 50 021-SS、 DIN 50 014-23/50-2 & DIN 50 017-KK 的详细信息,请参阅本文档的其他地方。
