Differences between Ford CEPT.00.00.L-467 & Ford TM 00.00.L-467

Introduction In January 2019 Ford released a new Global Laboratory Accelerated Cyclic Corrosion Test Standard, the TM 00.00-L-467. It is quite often assumed this new standard replaced the existing Ford CETP 00.00-L-467 which was first released in October 2008, but this isn’t the case, they are similar but different standards, and here we will discuss […]

Ascott Kesternich Chamber

KH300 – Fully Automatic, SO2 Gas Dosing Test Chamber  The Kesternich test is a cyclic corrosion test involving condensation humidity and the introduction of sulphur dioxide gas (SO2). A specific volume of SO2 gas, usually 0.2L, 1L or 2L is introduced into the test chamber, the chamber temperature is increased to a predetermined level and […]

Segundo Premio a la Exportación

A principios de este año Ascott tuvo la suerte de ganar un premio de exportación del Grupo Made in the Midlands. A continuación, participamos en los Future Manufacturing Awards con una organización llamada EEF (The Manufacturers Organization). En la ceremonia de premiación del viernes 10 de noviembre Ascott fue anunciado como el ganador de la […]

Millbrook Proving Ground

Millbrook Proving Ground en el Reino Unido es la ubicación líder en Europa para el desarrollo, prueba y demostración de todo tipo de vehículos terrestres, con 400 empleados basados en un sitio de 665 acres que ofrece amplias instalaciones de prueba, incluyendo 45 millas de pistas de pruebas dentro y fuera de la carretera. Modelado […]

Ascott Distribuidor Expone en el 2019 Automation & Test Show, en Italia

El distribuidor de Ascott, Seneco, asistió recientemente al A&T Show, en Turín, Italia. Centrada en la automatización y los equipos y tecnologías de prueba, la feria está en su décimo año y se ha ampliado año tras año hasta convertirse en una de las exposiciones más importantes del sector en Italia. En el espectáculo que […]

ISO 9227 Test Panels

ISO 9227 Test Panels CR4 Grade Steel Corrosion test coupons in accordance with ISO 9227 & VDA 233-102. Ascott CR4 Steel Test panels are used to check the reproducibility and repeatability of the test results for Salt Spray or Cyclic Corrosion Test Chambers, before being used to run ISO 9227 or VDA 233-102. It is […]

Ascott in the Press

Ascott secures first patent Machinery Market Cotswold Life The Business Desk Love Business East MidlandsSteve Smith wins national Student of the Year Award Tamworth InformedMidlands manufacturer raises thousands on Walk the Night charity event Tamworth InformedAscott opens vast new manufacturing facility Midlands Business News Tamworth InformedAscott contributes to 2018 Parliamentary Review Tamworth Informed The Parliamentary […]

Ascott Analytical 30 Years On

Thirty years ago, when Arnie was terminating everything, we were obsessively taping The Bill on VHS, Steve Jobs had unveiled his first PC and every under-40 was driving a Mk 4 Ford Escort, a revolution was happening in Midlands manufacturing. In his garage, Chris Gates was building, piece by piece, his first salt spray cabinet […]

Ascott Exhibits Globally

It has been a busy period for Ascott and our distributors exhibiting all over the World. From 9th – 11th May Ascott exhibited for the first time at the International Automotive Technology Expo in Wuhan, the first time the company has exhibited at a show in the West of China, during the show the company […]

CorroFlex Large Capacity Corrosion Chambers from Ascott

In addition to our wide range of corrosion test chambers for salt spray and cyclic test standards, in light of increasing demand for testing large components and assemblies, Ascott now offers CorroFlex, a range of flexible dimension front loading corrosion test cabinets, with width and depth variable in 0.5m (19.7”) increments to provide larger/smaller internal […]