The importance of Corrosion Testing in The Defence Sector

The importance of Corrosion Testing in The Defence Sector In our fourth sector article, we look at the military & defence sector, which covers a vast array of products from aircraft components (like airframes, avionics, and connectors), naval vessels, weapons systems, vehicles (tanks, trucks), and marine/defence/naval electronic equipment, as corrosion can significantly impact their functionality […]

Corrosion testing in the paint and surface coatings industry

Corrosion testing in the paint and surface coatings industry In the third of this series of articles we take a look at the importance of corrosion testing for manufacturers of paints and other surface coatings Corrosion testing is crucial for paint and surface coatings manufacturers to ensure their products provide effective and long-lasting protection. Any […]

CO2 Refrigeration from Ascott – The future is now!

New F-GAS Regulation CO2 Refrigeration from Ascott There is a new EU Regulation 2024/573, in force from 01.01.2025 which details requirements for new equipment in the category of “self-contained refrigeration systems”, where the refrigerant contained must have a GWP (Global Warming Potential) limit of >150. Ascott has been working closely with the R&D team from […]

The importance of corrosion testing in the aerospace industry

The importance of corrosion testing in the aerospace industry We are proud to supply corrosion testing equipment to a huge number of companies in the aerospace sector, covering everything from commercial air traffic to defence and space exploration. Corrosion testing is vital in the aerospace industry for several reasons: Harsh Environmental Conditions: Aerospace components are […]

The Importance of Corrosion Testing in The Automotive Industry

In the first of a series of articles covering some of the industry sectors for whom corrosion testing is a vital part of product development and ongoing quality control, we look at the importance of corrosion testing in the Automotive Industry.This sector covers a wide range of companies, from major household names that are a […]

Considerations when purchasing a Corrosion Test Chamber

Considerations when purchasing a Corrosion Test Chamber When purchasing a corrosion test chamber, various factors need to be considered to ensure it meets your specific testing requirements. Here are some key considerations: 1. Type of Corrosion Testing Salt Spray (Fog) Testing: Simulates harsh marine environments, commonly used for metallic coatings and paints. Cyclic Corrosion Testing […]

Happy Birthday Ascott!!

Celebrating 35 Years of Excellence 2024 is the 35th Anniversary year of Ascott, and whilst we will be marking this special occasion throughout the year, last week saw the main event of our Anniversary celebrations. Colleagues and their families were joined by suppliers, distributors and other valued contacts for a “Peaky Blinders” themed race and […]

Protect your Investment! The importance of using approved service engineers

Protect your Investment! Corrosion chambers benefit from regular servicing by a trained engineer. This maximises reliability, minimises downtime and ensures that your chamber performs as expected. Your chamber is an important asset.  As a comparison, if you bought a brand new car, you would always ensure that you followed the manufacturers recommendations for approved servicing […]

Mass Loss Coupons for GMW14872 & GM9540P

Mass Loss Coupons for GMW14872 & GM9540P are now available from Ascott! We have added to our extensive offering of accessories and consumables with our new ACC135 panels. These complement our CR4 Test Panels for ISO 9227 & VDA 233-102 and our highest purity Corro-Salt for Salt Spray Testing. Heavy Oil Mass Loss Coupons that […]

A new view!

At Ascott, we are always looking to develop our products, improving performance and user experience. Going forwards, all Ascott Chambers (with the exception of 120L and Kesternich models) will now feature a viewing window/panel.The viewing window allows for easy visual inspection without the need to remove the side panel and can be quickly and easily […]